_____________wVideo Presentation of the "Samba Global" Project ____ wwww_wwwww» Português
What it is

The SAMBA GLOBAL project is a proposal based on the mapping and preservation of Samba, as well as revealing the agents and their multiple actions in this complex cultural manifestation. In the website www.sambaglobal.net, the project aims to create an ¨International Network of ¨Sambistas¨, and build the greatest reference center on this Brazilian cultural patrimony.

Focusing at first on the manifestation that comes from the culture of the samba schools in Rio de Janeiro and , as a starting point, the researches which have already been carried out at several schools, ¨blocos¨ and carnival groups, besides professionals and lovers of samba. The intention is talking over all categories: since the samba-de-Roda from the Recôncavo Baiano- Human Cultural Heritage, to the Samba– China, started in Shanghai, fusion of "pagode"and the Chinese Romantic music.

The Annual ¨International Encontro of Sambistas¨ aims to promote cultural interchange, social inclusion and the generation of income for the Brazilian sambistas, prospecting the productive chain of samba in worldwide Carnivals and in other similar folk parties, that means, new growth opportunities.

3º International Encontro of Samba